Beck receives Ecovadis Silver Medal!

Beck receives Ecovadis Silver Medal!
Beck receives Ecovadis Silver Medal!

At Beck, we take sustainability seriously and are always striving to improve our processes and working practices to help us reduce the impact our activities are having on the environment and our communities. 

As part of our commitment to society, our people and the environment, Beck completes a thorough assessment of its business sustainability practices every year through EcoVadis, the global standard for business sustainability ratings.

The EcoVadis assessment includes 21 sustainability criteria across four core themes: Environment, Labor & Human Rights, Ethics and Sustainable Procurement.

In our latest rating, which was completed in July 2024, we are proud to say that we have improved our 2023 score and have gone from a Bronze Medal to a Silver Medal! Our new score places us  in the top 15% of copanies globally. 

This is a big accomplishment for our team and we are extremely proud of the hardworking individuals who have helped us achieve this improvement. 

The EcoVadis process validates our sustainability commitments, practices and performance, and offers a clear roadmap for continuous improvement - we look forward to achieving gold and platinum standard in the years to come! 

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